Changes and updates in v1.0.3 (previous was v1.0.2) - BiGGEsTS now integrates version 2 of the Ontologizer (see As such, the software is now able to parse the new GO files, which can be downloaded/updated from the Gene Ontology repositories. - Changed the source code of the Ontologizer in order to generate .dot files that can be correctly parsed. The original version produced .dot files that caused the DOT program to display warning messages when converting to .svg. - GO files are now downloaded from the GO repositories via FTP, instead of HTTP or CVS. This enables us to get more information about the file, namely its size. - The progress bar for the download of GO files was improved. It now displays both the downloaded and total lengths of the file (in MB). It also updates the completed portion of the task in the progress bar. - Trypanosoma brucei chr 2 was removed from the list of supported organisms. Two new organisms were included: Aspergillus nidulans and Escherichia coli. - Improved the behavior of the application when a given node is selected in the dataset tree. - Corrected the behavior of the application when the user selects a bicluster for which significance functions have been identified. In v1.0.2 the significance graph would only show after the "Recalculate" button was clicked. Notice: The source of the (smadeira.*) package is only partially available. The source code of some classes will only be released after the material has been published. The .class files are however available as a third-party library.